Monday, August 10, 2009

What People Don't Get

I have got to admit, I'm fucking astonished at the audacity of some people.

I posted a general message to a number of Yahoo groups about the three groups I run. I clearly spelled out the entry requirements, as well as why I have them. In short, if you can't figure it out, it goes like this:

1) I hate spammers. I wish they would just die. D-I-E. Preferably in a fire. By requesting entry content, I can be assured that there's a person at the other end of that email address, not some stupid shithead trying to sell viagra.

2) All porn groups, whether on Usenet, Gmail, MSN, Yahoo, or another service, depend on their members for content (Unless they are owned, operated, and maintained by a porn shooting company. Most of those charge for access.) A great number of users will enter a group freely, some with the intent to even share their shit, but guys like Jim Gary, QStrom, and Salpecam are few and far between. These cats are great, and they are willing to find and share porn with anyone. (Thanks, guys. I love you all!) If I can at least get content for entry then I am assured of new shit at least when a new person shoes up.

3) It's my fucking group. If I decide to only let in people with mohawks and tattoos of Hillary Clinton on their dick then that is up to me. Follow my rules or fuck right off!

Anyway, this shithead named decided to ask for entry. As usual, because he was stupid, he didn't send entry content for either of the groups he decided to try to join.

What he did do was send me a song and dance story that went like this:

From: Sam Benson
Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 2:28 PM

Hello Special K.
I do not have a collection of women taking it up and the ass and hating it.
I am certainly interested in it however.
I am a 51 year old male student studying Criminal Justice.
I hope to someday work as an information manager helping the average joe
on the street fight "Miscarriages of Justice" in our legal system.
I used to enjoy anal sex alot. But since my wife and children passed
away in 1980, I lived a life of abstience. I hate abstinence alot worse then
some women hate anal sex.

Now, I'm a reasonable bloke. I hate being without an ass to stick my cock into myself. I know it sucks, and so I decided to let this clown into my groups.

However, I had sent him a simple email that said, "Read our entry requirements. No entry without content." Simple, straightforward, reasonable, and respectful.

What I got back from this asshole was this:

From: Sam Benson
Subject: Re: Read the entry requirements.
To: "you wish" <>
Date: Monday, August 10, 2009, 2:30 PM

OK. I will ask others not to give your group any consideration then. I can black ball you too.

Excuse the fuck out of me, Sam, but the last time I looked it had my username at the top of the group where it says "Owner." Since when do you get to tell me how to run my groups?

This is what pisses me off about society today. We've created a generation of entitled assholes. Sam Benson (from West Virginia) feels perfectly justified in demanding access to my groups. Why? Because he wants it, you see. He won't even get off his ass and find three fucking pictures of women taking painful cock in the ass. He just wants to come into the group and sponge off of you and me, and when I dare to tell him no, why, he's going to go tell the world what a bad man Kolbath is!

Hey Sam: Fuck you! I don't owe you anything. You're acting like the whiny bitches who parade around in ass-pants and tank tops and then get all pissy when some guy gives them an eye fucking. You remind me of the whore that goes out, gets drunk, spreads her ankles for some guy she doesn't know and then accuses him of raping her after she decides that acting like a slut ruined her reputation.

My advice to you is the same as my advice to the sluts who want to be stuck on a pedestal their entire lives and treated like some kind of goddamned princess: Get to work and fucking earn it, princess!

You have it easier than the sluts do, Sammy. They need to take it in the ass. You just need to find a whopping three pictures of them doing so and send them to my groups. I find it hilarious that you bitch more than some of the sluts I've bent over kitchen tables.

Oh, and by the way, Sam, here's a little bit of what you're missing in my groups.


I've got THREE Yahoo! Groups now:

Hammered Ass:
Dedicated to women getting what's coming to them!

Hammered Throats:
Kneel, open, take it! Your ears make great handles!

Hammered Wives:
She said, "I do" and she certainly DOES!

Oh yeah, I even have a blog now:
Because men shouldn't need to ask for what is rightfully theirs.