Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You're Welcome

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Story (Or: Why be Dominant?)

Today I've decided to tell you a little about my history. As I interact with Doms and sluts in the world, I am surprised by a number of things. There are thousands upon thousands of men who wish to be dominant but are not, largely due to what might best be described as "stage fright."

The World English dictionary online describes stage fright as "performance anxiety." This is an excellent descriptor of the phrase. Most men are afraid to be dominant because they have been conditioned by constant immersion in a feminist society that powerful, strong, dominant men are somehow evil or abusive.

Despite millions of years of evolution crying out against the lie, these poor bastards are stuck in a world where every television show portrays men as weak-willed and callow, and women as the strong and capable ones. The media insists that "anything a man can do, a woman can do better" and soundly ignores physical, and even mental cases where this is flatly untrue. Hell, studies are beginning to indicate that, even in the social realm, women are not as capable as men at developing and maintaining positive relationships.

Given that situation, it is critical that men across the world recognize that we are not alone, and the urges, instincts, and demeanors we carry within us are not unnatural, no matter what ignorant sluts like Katy Couric and Oprah blabber about.

So, let's start with my story.

In junior high I was a wrestler. One of our wrestling managers was an Asian slut with an absolutely fabulous body named Gina. She was a sweet girl in a lot of ways, and I spent many a night laying in my bed thinking of the things I desperately wanted to do to that little body of hers.

My sophomore year I finally got the chance. Innocent little Gina had finally taken a cock from her college boyfriend and apparently discovered that she was a slut inside.

I'd like to say "I could have told her that," but truthfully, at that age I was like most boys: somewhat scared of the opposite sex and the mysterious power they seemed to have in their pussies. I felt like most young men did thanks to the societal brainwashing (particularly of our youngest members): girls didn't really enjoy sex and had to be persuaded to be fucked.

Yeah. Times have changed a bit since I was in junior high and high school.

I had fucked a couple of other girls and had my dick sucked by three or four more, but was rarely what you could call dominant with any of them. Occasionally I had to forcefully persuade Marisa, my longtime girlfriend, to keep my cock in her mouth by gripping her hair and moving her head for her, but that was about as far as it went.

I had wanted Gina for so long that when she came over to visit one afternoon while my parents were out of town and we began making out on the couch, I decided to pull out all the stops. I was going to be the best damn lover she'd ever had. I was going to use all the advice I'd gotten from friends, male and female, and from Cosmopolitan magazines Marisa kept leaving in my goddamn car.

I had read Richard K. Sharon's Diary of a Lover several years before when I found a copy of it in a box of old books at a garage sale. Not long after that a friend gave me a copy of How to Make Love to a Woman. I had read both to tatters and felt I was quite ready to be a competent, confident lover.

I ate Gina's pussy. I fingered her gently. I eased myself into her so it wouldn't hurt her. I kissed her passionately. I tongued her neck, her nipples, even her palms. I didn't ask her to suck my cock because "Good girls aren't really into that, you see." (Jesus, I was naive. What scares me is that some of you out there still think that way.) I didn't come anywhere near her asshole, although I'd fantasized about that little hole for almost five years.

Just to give you a little idea, this is Gina now, at age 39 in 2011:

Can you imagine what that body was like in high school? Sorry, that's the best picture I have of her from a social networking site. I don't maintain ties to anyone from my high school years. (Although, looking at that body, perhaps I should start.)

I'd like to think I did a good job fucking her, but apparently I didn't. Although she was way too polite (a byproduct of her adopted Catholic upbringing) to say so at the time, Gina began immediately telling her best friend, Rena (Gina and Rena-- the funny thing is that I'm not making any of these names up) that I had been "afraid to fuck." Since I'd also wanted to bone the Christ out of Rena (who was a bigger slut than Gina ever was, so don't ask me why I never did before that) this sort of damped that fire pretty much for good.

Gina went on to fuck twelve more guys (that I know about) before she graduated a year later. (When the dam breaks, it shatters. She was one of those "purity ring" girls her sophomore year.) Rena went on spreading her ankles for every cock that wandered by, and I went on wondering why female friends Gina and I had in common didn't seem interested in me.

About three months later, just after my junior year began, I discovered what Gina had been telling her friends about me. "He tried hard," is not a description you want applied to your ability to fuck a woman.

After I had a lengthy heart-to-heart with Rena I decided to make some changes in the way I approached sex. I began to consider that I had always approached sex from the point of view that can best be described as I'll be a nice guy. In short, If I give the lady what she wants, then maybe she will reciprocate out of base honesty.

Yeah, a couple of things were wrong with that theory. To start, nice guys rarely get with the hot women. Assholes are assholes because they don't care what anyone thinks about them. That means they don't give a shit about being shot down when they approach some hot whore. They know there's another one along soon if this one doesn't pan out. Where nice guys are too timid to approach the slut in question, the asshole simply walks up to them and says, "Hi, so what's up and are you going to suck my dick or what?" (Sometimes it's not quite that blatant, but sometimes it actually is.)

Nice guys think "I hope she likes me." Assholes think, "I don't care if she likes me or not." When you don't give a shit about a person's opinion of you, it makes it a lot easier to get what you want out of them because you don't care if doing things your way offends them somehow. (Watch how that shitheel Obama tries to force his socialism onto the American people for a practical demonstration. He doesn't care what polls say the people want. He knows what he wants, and just like that guy in the bar, it results in a dick in someone's ass.)

I guess I originally felt that sex was some sort of barter system. Forgive me, I was young and stupid. This mentality is at the heart of what is wrong with modern sexuality. It places all the onus on the man, and none on the woman. He is responsible for catering to her every whim and desire, and then maybe she will consider giving him the honor of entering one of her holes. Books like She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman not only completely miss the reality of sex, they completely undermine what has been a fact of mammalian reproduction for millions of years: males are dominant!

The first girl I fucked after Gina got something of a rude awakening. Brenda Ray was one of those absurdly hot drama club girls, despite being just a little on the short and dumpy side. As we progressed through all the "normal" stages of an adolescent romance/sexual relationship, I gradually explained to her, "I'm not going to be gentle any more. I can tell that's not what you want." The truth is slightly different: I was positive that she wanted it rough, but I couldn't really tell if my guess was accurate or not at that point. Experience is the greatest teacher.

The first time I slid a hand up Brenda's back during a kiss and used her hair to roughly pull her head back sharply, the whimpered moan she squeaked out told me everything I needed to know about dominating a woman. If I had any further doubts, they vanished when I slid my other hand under her skirt and past the guardian nylons and portcullis panties to a cunt that was so wet my middle finger was halfway in before I encountered the slightest resistance.

I do so miss the feel of nylons under my hands. Ever since the early 21st century, sluts have preferred bare legs. I think they're missing out on a few things and generally require my long term sluts to wear thigh-high nylons at least twice a week, but I digress.

I fingered Brenda to orgasm right there on the spot, keeping a tight grip on her curly black hair and staring into her huge, dark eyes where the combination of terror and arousal made my cock as rigid as steel. As I fingered her cunt she arced her back and kept bending her knees slightly, then straightening up, rubbing her tits against me through her leather jacket and shirt.

A woman has to be pretty damn turned on before you can feel her nipples through a leather jacket.

When a man gives an orgasm to a woman, it's a gift beyond measure. As I describe in an upcoming essay on the subject, a man has to stop thinking about his own pleasure in order to focus on the slut in question. He may have to keep fucking after he's shot his own load, or press on to finish when his hand or tongue are tired.

The fear in Becky's eyes came from three sources. Foremost, she'd never had an orgasm before that wasn't the result of her own hands. To surrender herself to me completely and give of her body was something she'd never done before, and she was terrified of how it would turn out. Second, the violent hand in her hair and rough fingers in her cunt scared her out of a natural fear for her safety. Was I going to hurt her? How much? (Most women actually like a little pain with their rough sex, because most women are submissive by nature.)

And finally, well, we were in the light booth of the theater during a school assembly. She couldn't stop moaning (especially as she came), but she was keenly aware of the entire student body of our high school located about forty feet below us.

Brenda was just the first girl I started being dominant towards. She definitely wasn't the last. Every woman I've touched since her has received a little speech before hand that goes something like this:

"I am not going to be gentle. In fact, I'm going to be very rough with you. Most girls think they can handle me because I'm not very tall and I have an easy smile and sense of humor that lends them to think I'm some kind of nice guy. That lasts right up until the first time I pull their hair or slap their ass. There is never going to be any doubt who is dominant in our bedroom/back seat/parent's living room, etc. If you want to argue, we're done here."

The speech has had a few variants over the years, but that's the gist of it. One barely 18 year old mexican slut I face fucked in my car a couple years ago told me that the speech alone made her wet because she could tell I absolutely meant every word of it. Despite her healthy sexual history (which included her 41 year old married and father of two neighbor), she'd been fucking boys her whole life.

On occasion, yes, a slut has decided she didn't want to submit. I've never had a single one tell me that after the speech, though. The speech tends to excite them. Sluts see it as a challenge, especially the line, "Most women can't handle me." Deep down inside, every whore thinks she's better than the other cunts she sees every day. "I'm not most women! I'm special! Daddy said so, and so did Oprah, and my guidance counselor, and my volleyball coach and..."

And, that sense of self-esteem (which is vastly different from self-respect) withers and evaporates with the first shake of her head using the convenient handle of her hair, the first hard slap on her ass, or the first thrust into her mouth that triggers a gag reflex.

That's when she'll suddenly decide to push away and say something like, "What the hell are you doing?" which prompts a second speech: "Listen, I just told you that this is the way I fuck. I'm not some little boy like the last dozen cocks you've spread for. I'm a man and this is what I do. You can relax and enjoy it or we can stop here. It's up to you, but I just told you all of five seconds ago that I'm not a gentle lover."

I find it interesting that young sluts tend to be the ones to gather the shreds of their dignity around themselves and storm off, while older, more mature ones (who have been getting limp dicks for the last twenty years as a result of the disempowered men they usually spread for) are the ones who say, "Oh," think for a few seconds and then say, "Can you be a little gentler until I get used to it?"

Sure. No problem.

Now you know my story, but there's a little more. Why be dominant? Why accept that some women you've wasted the time and energy to woo are going to take their high and mighty "my pussy is plated with gold" selves and walk away from you? Why go home and jerk off when you could have fucked a hot little whore?

Here are just a few reasons, and I'm sure if you think about it you'll come up with a few dozen more:
  • It's what women want. For 3500 years we've told them not to be sluts, to only accept the dick they were bound to by marriage. What we've forgotten is that humans are animals, and we breed like them.
  • It's what you want. Unless you're some kind of feminized male or one of those sad pieces of shit that like to be tied up and have your balls stomped on by some whore in heels, you were designed by 4.1 billion years of evolution to take control and propagate your genetic line. There's a reason deep, hard thrusts feel great: it gets the sperm delivery vehicle closer to the egg. Use that as your guide when it comes to each of a woman's holes.
  • Women were made to be penetrated. Penetration is a dominant act. Accepting penetration is a submissive act. Examine the positions most women are in when they accept penetration: spread legged, guiding focus to her cunt. Examine the body language in that position: open and vulnerable. Use it for that purpose!
  • Dominant males (assholes!) get the girls because they want them more than they are afraid to be shot down. Are you seriously going to tell me that a mere woman can control your self-respect so strongly that she can decide for you that you're not going to be a real man in her presence? What the shit is that about?
  • It works. Spend some time on Facial Forums, or on other pic and video trading sites for homemade amateurs. Women love dominant men. Look at the smiles on their faces as they pose for the camera with their man's cum dripping down their faces. What should be a humiliating and degrading act is neither to them. Something came out of your body and splattered on their cheeks, and they wear it with pride as a symbol of their submission and your dominance over their body.
  • Women need this. This is different from the above, which is that women want to be treated roughly because they are conditioned by evolution to respond to dominance in a male. The fact is, the last fifty years of loud feminist screaming about equality has undermined women's happiness more even than men's. Women are constantly torn in multiple directions: feminists demand they have a career, but their instincts demand that they be with their children. Women must be reminded that it's okay to be a woman! It's okay to be submissive! It's okay to be penetrated! It's okay to feel wetness in your panties when a man grabs your hair, to feel that little thrill when he growls, "spread your legs."
  • You need this. If you're a thirty-something like I am then you're facing three solid decades of increasing feminism in America. Where we used to have all-male football teams and offices where pinup calendars were the norm, now we have sexual harassment suits (mostly frivolous) and school board demands that cheerleaders be allowed to strap on pads and play with the big boys. (Where they sometimes get injured because they simply aren't big, strong, or fast enough to protect themselves.) From the moment you first touched a titty, you've been conditioned that it comes at her request and with her permission.
You're constantly bombarded with images of your impotence: television shows where men are incompetent and moronic, billboard advertisements where men are being "punished" by their wives for spending money on things that interest them. In school, your son (or possibly even you at one time) is considered a broken little girl because he wants to run and play sports instead of sit still and be silent in class, (now that recess and PE have all but vanished). It's all right to be dominant. It's all right to want to shove your cock through a woman's head and see her eyes bulge. It's perfectly normal to want to hear her cries of pain as your cock tears open her ass.

"But I love my wife. Why would I want to hurt her?" Because it's not about pain. It's about submission. She is not submitting to you unless it hurts, degrades, or humiliates her. Think about it: is your wife submitting to you when she eats a chocolate bar? Hell no! She loves chocolate, right?

Is she submitting to you and letting you dominate her when she spreads her legs for you? Slightly. In most male-superior positions the woman is somewhat submissive, as I mentioned above. Mostly, though, she's letting you do the work, even though she may or may not orgasm from that position and penetration.

Is she submitting to you and letting you dominate her when she's on her knees with her teeth clenched while you shove your dick up her ass?

Is she submitting to you and letting you dominate her when you take her from behind, gripping her hair and forcefully thrusting into her body?

Is she submitting to you when her tearing, bleary eyes open and fix on yours while the head of your cock stretches her trachea?

Submission from a woman, true submission, requires that the action she be subjected to be painful, degrading, humiliating, or all of the above. If you're playing at submission by tying your whore up and slapping her tits gently with a flogger made of knitting yarn then you're doing just that, playing. On the other hand, if you're striping her tits with a ruler because those tits belong to you and she damn well knows it! then you're doing the right thing, for her and for you.

I should probably send Gina a thank you note. Her opinion of my sexual technique was what opened my eyes to what women really want and totally shattered the "Good girls" image for me forever. I began studying the biology and the psychology of sexuality. In college, I took extra courses just to understand how women think about sex. (My degrees are in other subjects, but I am about six credit hours shy of a BA in Women's Studies and Comparative sexuality.)

Most of what I discovered was bullshit. The "bra burning" of the 1960s, for example, never took place. It was politicized by the feminism movement. (Hey stupid: bras were invented by a woman, not a man!) For every bull dyke I saw standing in the university quad bellowing an ignorant rant about the uselessness of men, I found five submissive sluts who were happy to spread, suck, and fuck on the terms I gave them.

For every purity ring, I find at least one Pamela Ketchum, looking over her shoulder and shyly asking me to "Please fuck me in the ass" with a little catch in her voice that betrayes her fear of the pain that is coming, her desire to submit to it for my pleasure, and her arousal in just a few syllables.

That is my story. I'm sticking to it. Now it's your turn.


I've got THREE Yahoo! Groups now:

Hammered Ass:
Dedicated to women getting what's coming to them!

Hammered Throats:
Kneel, open, take it! Your ears make great handles!

Hammered Wives:
She said, "I do" and she certainly DOES!

Oh yeah, I even have a blog now:
Because men shouldn't need to ask for what is rightfully theirs.

And don't forget to check out my pics on Imagefap!
I'll show you mine if you show me yours