Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First post. Why we are here.

On occasion I turn on my television, and what I see disgusts me. Women like Jennifer Garner parade around in their underwear on prime time, daring men to look at their bodies as if it is some kind of challenge.

At the same time, the same women decry men for looking. They take their primary and secondary sexual characteristics, shove them almost literally under men's noses, and then file frivolous lawsuits and legal charges when men take them up on the clear offers.

Women who wear micro-miniskirts go to shopping malls without underwear and then complain when someone shoots a cell phone picture up their uncrossed legs. High school age sluts tart around in low-rider ass-pants with visible thong and then fill out harassment forms when boys comment.

Watch the commercials. Women need to be on hand to save men from themselves. A man can't pick a restaurant, find his car keys, or buy a fucking sandwich without some whore carefully and gently holding his hand.

I am sick of it. Sick of it!

I am not a woman hater. Far from it. What I hate are lies. Every time Affirmative Action places a woman in a position she can't physically handle because some folks refuse to admit that they are different from men, someone dies as a result. Every time the Armed Forces is strongarmed into putting women into ranks and job responsibilities they can't or won't discharge someone's life is placed at risk-- usually a man.

Women cost employers more than they are worth. They file frivolous lawsuits for sexual harassment-- causing employers to waste billions of dollars every year in pointless trainings. Here's a better training: stop dressing like a whore and getting offended when someone looks down your sweater or up your skirt.

Women cost employers more than they are worth. They take maternity vacations, leaving large gaps in the workforce that have to be filled, usually by men. I have never, ever, in my adult life worked for a company (including the Armed Forces) in which women did not find a way to milk the maternity leave program to find a way to sit at home and collect a paycheck while someone else did their job for them.

Probably the worst part about modern society is that we have given women too much power in the bedroom. It's always the man's fault if a woman gets "raped." If a woman goes out to a bar wearing ass-pants and a tank top with no bra or underwear, downs half a fifth of Jack Daniels, goes home with some dude she's never met and spreads her legs-- somehow it's his fault that she didn't want to fuck him?

Not only is that insipid, it doesn't make any fucking sense. Any normal society would recognize that millions of years of evolution created gender specific roles. Men are aggressive, dominant creatures. Males of every species have to be, or the more dominant males out there will be the ones to pass on their DNA. Pick a creature, any creature, and examine the way their males act, towards one another and towards the females.

Only mankind was perverse, stupid, enough to decide that women are somehow equal to men in all things-- except where they are clearly superior. While Gloria Steinem and JoAnna Tosti-Vasty of the National Organization of Women will hand you a laundry list of reasons why women are superior to men, they seem oddly silent on the subject of where men might be superior to women. You know, how we can run faster, run farther, pick up heavier items, logically order subgroups, perform spatial recognition and reorganization, and a host of other items in a manner women can't hope to compete with.

It's not entirely physical. Women are more creative, men are more logical. This is why men can figure out that it's not logical to pay a woman the same salary for a job requiring physical skills or logical thinking when they can't perform it as well as a man could.

There is one thing that women are better at: taking the cock. Women exist to be penetrated. Of necessity, biology requires that a woman have some sperm-carrying item (like a penis) stuck inside them in order to procreate. That women have two other holes which can be used to please her man is immaterial; on an emotional and physical level women are constructed to be penetrated. This is fact. Throughout evolution, until modern science interfered, a women that refused to be penetrated by men did not pass on her DNA.

Now that same woman can blithely sit at home, squirting out artificially inseminated brat after artificially inseminated brat, and bitch at men for wanting to do the things that led to her own presence on this planet: fuck women and enjoy it.

That is what this blog is about. I do not condone or advocate any form of unwilling sex. I don't even care for fake-rape or rape play. Rape is a hideous, scarring, emotional crime and deserves the utmost punishment. Having worked as a rape counselor, I know the emotional damage the act causes, and I do not condone it.

However, I also spent time listening to some of the stupidest slits on earth. When I spoke of the woman who went to the bar without underwear and drank herself to a manfucking stupor, I was speaking from experience. She knew when she left her house that she was going to go to bed with someone, and she was too drunk to remember whether or not she granted him permission to use her body. She simply "thought she'd said no." Worse, the dumb whore had no feelings of remorse for the life of a man she'd ruined. She was the victim, and there were hundreds of books, bloggers, and "Victim Support Groups" eagerly wating to tell her so.

The real victim was the guy that picked that slut up and took her home thinking that he was going to get some no-strings ass since every fucking smoke signal she sent up said, "Drill me like offshore oil shale!"

The purpose of this blog is to explain to men how to be dominant without being rapacious. It is to explain to women why they should submit to men sexually, and it is to provide step-by-step methods, reasons, and techniques for taking absolute control of your slut and training her to please you with her body to the utmost of her ability.

I am Kolbath. I am the Slut Whisperer. I don't train sluts, I coach men to train their own sluts.

If this didn't piss you off, you may enjoy my Yahoo! Groups below.


I've got THREE Yahoo! Groups now:

Hammered Ass:
Dedicated to women getting what's coming to them!

Hammered Throats:
Kneel, open, take it! Your ears make great handles!

Hammered Wives:
She said, "I do" and she certainly DOES!

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