Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Feel Like Ranting, so Fuck YOU!

I'm in a grouchy mood. Every time I post an update to one of my public sites that links to my Yahoo! groups I get inundated with requests to join. That's cool. I didn't start those groups because I wanted to sit in them all by my lonesome. I'm a good-looking guy and a scintillating conversationalist, but you can eventually even start to bore yourself, you know?

My problem is that my entry requirements are clearly marked on the main pages of each site, as well as usually mentioned at least ONCE in the posts I make. (Sometimes several times.) Despite this, there are some dreadfully fucking stupid people out there (I'm talking to YOU, Shoehorn69!) who either don't bother to read the requirements, don't care to try to fulfill them, or don't think that the damn rules apply to them.

So I get entry request messages from idiots that say, "Hi." Well, hi back, fucker, because you're not getting in. Worse, I don't get the damn content sent to me, so I can't forward it to the groups.

That means, boys and girls, that the people trying to get in for nothing are actually nothing more than LEECHERS who are willing to take and save every scrap of decent porn we put online, but have no interest or desire to give back to the community.

If you're buying your porn and never looking for a free handout, then what you do with it is up to you. I'm a conservative capitalist, so your property is your property. However, if you're glomming onto free Yahoo! groups to get new pics and short vid clips every few weeks and you're not willing to shoot a few things back for the masses then you are simply an asshole.



And like all assholes (or at least female ones around me), you're FUCKED.

I got an entry "request" a few days ago that attempted to chastise me for my policy. "Let me in!" the cockhead demanded. "You're [sic] requirements are to [sic] damn tight!" Poor spelling aside, this shithead obviously missed the two main points: 1. I like tight stuff. and 2. If you're not willing to provide content for entry then you really can't do a whole lot of bitching when you're not allowed in.

Here's the deal, folks. I'm sick and tired of the sites and groups out there that are filled with nothing but spam. Every time you find a decent newsgroup -BAM- spammers drop in and start advertising everything from nasal wart cream to Volkswagen repair shops.

Fuck those people. My groups are predicated on two simple facts: 1. You don't come in unless you prove you're willing to share, and 2. We're here to provide content, not give a bunch of shitheads a place to further clog the goddamn Internet with ads for Viagra. Obviously we can get our cocks up-- that's why we enjoy shoving them into the various holes located on various sluts.

Anyway, enough bitching from me. If I have time to write this rant then I have time to finish the seven major projects I need to complete for my certification, and time to complete the lengthy essay on my rules for women (and my rules for how I treat them), so I'd better end this and go do something worthwhile.

And for all you sniveling bitches out there that can't get into my groups (Boo fucking hoo you asshats!) I want you to know one more thing: Ladomine555, you fucking cried more over my entry requirements than my last five whores did when I was busting them in the ass. If that's not the absolute definition of a male that doesn't deserve the title of MAN then I don't know what the fuck is. Go grow a pair, find some appropriate content, and send it to me and I'll welcome you to the group.

Or, take these five free pics and go whine somewhere else. Hope you enjoy.


I've got THREE Yahoo! Groups now:

Hammered Ass:
Dedicated to women getting what's coming to them!

Hammered Throats:
Kneel, open, take it! Your ears make great handles!

Hammered Wives:
She said, "I do" and she certainly DOES!

Like this stuff? Check out my groups, but:


1 comment:

  1. Second from the top; don't bother rubbing her clit, just jam it in deeper
