Saturday, November 21, 2009

On the Subject of Rape

Good evening, my brothers. Today I wish to speak upon a topic of great importance. Previously I discussed how, on a purely moral level, it is impossible to rape your wife. Sexual favors are her contribution to your relationship, and therefore the toys you buy for her, the bread you place on her table, even the children of hers that you pay to raise are purchased with the coin of her body.

On a legal level, however, you'll get your ass thrown in prison for fifteen to thirty years if you try it, so please do not force your wife if she says no. Divorce her ass instead and find someone more accommodating to your needs.

Quite often I am assaulted by idiots. This is nothing new. The Obama presidency demonstrates clearly and convincingly that there is no shortage of breathtaking mental incompetence in this country alone. (In fact, whenever I argue politics, not one person can explain why they voted for that narcissistic skid mark. It's all "It was time!" or "America needed a change!" or "He wasn't Bush!" Next time consider actually thinking before you pull a voting lever, okay?)

Most recently I have come under fire by feminists and effete males for my stance on male sexual dominance. These buffoons are unable to decipher the clear differences between forcing a woman to suck your dick, which is rape, and forcing your cock down the throat of a willing woman who is submitting to your maleness, which is fucking fun.

Compelling a woman to take your cock in her ass by holding a knife to her throat is forcible sodomy, and in some countries it may result in your execution. Ordering a woman to bend over the bed and spread her cheeks with both hands or get out of your house is simply stating reality, and that reality is very simple:

If you do not let me fuck you in the ass I will find a woman that will.
I don't really understand why there is any confusion on these matters. I have never raped a woman and never will. I neither condone nor encourage the act of rape, and only stupid assholes can fail to understand my message, which is as simple as the sentence above:

Brothers, do not settle for less than you desire from any woman!
The fact of the matter is easily understood. Since the inaccurately named "sexual revolution" of the 1960s, men have been forced into an obligatory role where sex may be denied to us based on whatever twisted terms and conditions our women choose to set. Instead of earning the right to our woman's body through our work and effort to support our families, we are shown constantly that she, and only she, has the power in our relationship. Written articles on sex from both genders orbit a philosophy of, "Do for her, and she will consider doing for you!"

Fuck that. Men are neither as stupid as Madison Avenue advertising companies would like you to believe, nor as obsessed with sex as Maxim and Cosmopolitan Magazines portray us.

Yes, it's true that when we look at you we consider you as a potential mate. Yes, if you are remotely attractive and we spend any time in your company we will at some point think about fucking you. Welcome to the human race.

Returning to the subject of rape, I have said time and again in my essays that rape is a crime. Even though I consider marital rape to be a non-existent crime, the law does not here in America, and if you rape your wife you will go to jail. Yes, I disagree with this law. I also disagree that the speed limit outside my apartment should be 25. This does not mean that I think anyone-- including myself-- should have the right to violate it with impunity. Breaking even a stupid law still carries a criminal penalty.

Do NOT rape anyone. Ever! That should be clear, and even when one of you assholes takes the rest of this essay out of context, anyone searching for my name should still read that goddamn line eventually.

Having said that, how does one, particularly if that one is dumb as mud, know the difference between dominance and rape? How do you explain to the court that your wife really wanted you to pull her hair, call her a whore, and shove your dick up her ass?

It's simplicity in itself, my friend. Always make the slut beg for everything that happens to her. I expounded on this at length in my essay entitled "The Rules," which was widely published on the internet a few months ago. My little tarts cry for my cock. They beg. They debase themselves. They wheedle and bargain for it. There is never a shred of doubt that what I do to them is wanted.

Additionally, it is filmed. If the police were to ever knock on my door and say, "Michelle Moisan wants to press charges against you for assramming her over the summer of 1993 after she graduated from White River High School and you took her virginity in all three holes in a 1962 Aloha camping trailer you were renting while you finished college." I will simply laugh and hand the officer a tape. Little redheaded 'Shelle looked good enough to eat there on her knees, begging me to be the first man in her mouth.

There is little need to rape a woman, my brothers. As Atom, from his BLOG expounds, every woman has a switch that will turn her from prim and proper to whore. It doesn't matter if she is married, single, lesbian, tall, short, thin, attractive, old or young. Older ones will whore for you to prove that they are still desirable and to hold desperately onto their fading youth. Sometimes, as Atom proved with Cathy, they will whore for you to protect their jobs or their families or their safe lives.

Younger ones will whore for you out of rebellion against their parents or society, or because they want something from you, or because "all their friends are doing it."

You need rape none of them. All you need to do is find the trigger and pull it, firmly, and with no apologies for that fact. Take control of them and explain beforehand that this is how it's going to be. It's not about you. It's about how your holes can please me. Make them plead and beg for everything you do to them, make sure there is ample video evidence (Secure a low light spy camera from SPYTECHS and record the entire proceedings if the slut resists the idea of video too strenuously. You'll enjoy watching it later anyway.)

Rape is a crime. What is happening to the sluts below isn't rape. Every one of them willingly and willfully decided to sell, barter, or trade away their dignity and self-respect.

There is no crime here. There is no crime in what we do. It's simply about choices. I choose to use my sluts in a certain manner. If you choose to be a slut then that is how you will be used.

The matter is not open to discussion.


I've got THREE Yahoo! Groups now:

Hammered Ass:
Dedicated to women getting what's coming to them!

Hammered Throats:
Kneel, open, take it! Your ears make great handles!

Hammered Wives:
She said, "I do" and she certainly DOES!

Oh yeah, I even have a blog now:
Because men shouldn't need to ask for what is rightfully theirs.

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